Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Halloween, China Style

We hosted a the first annual Horizon Halloween party. Best part, the three page email explaining what Halloween is, including a glossary of terms.  It was a great party but...I learned a few lessons during the process.

First, be very specific when sending someone, of Chinese nationality, to purchase American/Western food.  I made pulled pork for sandwiches but was counting on hot dogs to be the staple for the kids.  I asked my driver to go and get the hot dogs (buns had already been purchased at IKEA, but IKEA hotdogs tend to emanate a greenish hue so I was trying to avoid them).  I did my best translating and sent her to Metro, the Chinese version (that is not even close) of Costco.  She returned with half the requested number but spent double the allotted amount.  So in the end, the kids each got half of an imported, 100% organic, Kobe beef hot dog.  Good Eats.
 Our balcony, filled to capacity.  Good thing I trust Chinese engineering because I think weight limits were exceeded.
Our little hot dog.

Second lesson, do not write, 'Feel free to forward this invitation on to anyone else that might be interested in participating.'  Oh, it got forwarded and forwarded and forwarded.  I knew, maybe 25% of the people that showed up.  The following picture does not include everyones shoes.  It took as much time for everyone to find and replace their shoes as it did to serve and eat dinner.  No one would have considered leaving their shoes on...not after using a public restroom in China.  Shoes off at the door because who knows what you've stepped in.

What's that smell?!

 Overall, good times and of course we'll do it again next year!

If the overpriced, international education does't pay off, Matt has a back-up plan.

as does Lily.