Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hong Kong

We are in Hong Kong for a few days. We came for several reasons; the first and most pressing is my visa is about to expire if I didn't leave the country. Rich and the kids all have 90 day visas but since I didn't go with them to San Francisco to get them the grumpy lady at the Chinese consulate would only issue me a 60 day visa.

We also forgot to register with the Chinese police department when we arrived in China. They like to keep a tight grip on all 1.3 billion citizens, as well as the millions of visitors that enter the country. Don’t ask me how they do it but all of the sudden a policeman is at your door asking why you haven’t filled out your little slip of paper detailing why you’re here and how long you plan to stay. Boy, I wish I new. Anyway, if you don't register, you're fined. The fine for our small clan was 2000 RMB, that is about $300. The lady behind the counter mentioned you could leave the country and upon return register within the 72 hour period and the fine is waived. A little backwards but we appreciated the tip and booked our flight.

I'll post pictures tomorrow; after Rich dutifully uploads and labels them. You might notice that Mia and Lily are wearing the same clothes in nearly every photo. We got to the airport and I looked at the bags and realized one was missing. My poor fashion diva Lily is in tears. Oh well, she is calmed with the promise of a few new clothes to get her by. I then look at Mia and realize she is wearing her 'new favorite outfit', again! It is the same outfit she has wore the last two days. This poor girl is going to be wearing clothes that are already dirty for four more days. Yikes! I guess we need to do some shopping. Too bad I can't run to a Target or even Wal-Mart and pick up a few shirts, socks and underwear. Not that simple, we will have to find a market and start haggling. The hardest part will be finding something that doesn't have Chinglish or Hello Kitty plastered all over it. I think the rule of thumb for the Chinese children's fashion world is more. More characters, more sequence, more bows, more beads. To find a plan t-shirt is a mission I am not prepared for. Instead, we settle for the correct spelling of English words and the best deal. I love to bargain but it gets a little exhausting to dicker over everything. I offer half of their asking price and usually end up paying about 60% of the original.

There are so many differences between Shanghai and Hong Kong but I am tired; so you'll have to hold out until tomorrow.


Steve said...

Hey Chens,
I am glad you are h aving fun in Hong Kong. Your box from me will be mailed Monday, but I had it all sealed up before I got your messages, so I will keep that stuff in mind for the next one. This one is cereal, ranch dressing mix, I didn't get the buttermilk kind, cuz I wasn't sure if you could get buttermilk. Then just a bunch of junk food. I have a feeling the junk food will be bypassed for the cereal. I will be back in Bakersfield in about a month, so I will do another box then and hopefully I can get you some of the specific things you asked for. We are heading back to the truck this morning and going to MA. Love you all and miss you tonz. T

Unknown said...

it is one adventure after another with you guys! crazy times. maybe you will get haggling out of your system for life! here's hoping they revoke all your visas and deport you directly to austin. you can live with me.