I hate laundry. I hate it when everything is fully automated. So I really hate it here. I assumed a small apartment meant less work and more time with my family. That assumption would be accurate if I didn't have their laundry to contend with. Shanghai is not a clean city and the apartment seems to attract dust, dirt and an unbelievable amount of lint. If something hits the floor it is headed for the hamper, which is always overflowing. I've already posted pictures of our very small washer, my only ally, since a dryer is conspicuously missing. We make progress but it is slow and when the sheets need washed, like they did this week, forget it. My kids loved all of the forts that I made in an attempt to dry everything. The constant rain didn't help but I hesitate drying clothes outside, even when the sun is shining. There is grime in the air that seems to seek out anything clean and cling to it.

On to better things. Actually, I have been in a bit of a funk this week. I think the combination of rain, children, housework and homeschooling have me down. I love my children and I don't mind rain or housework. I don't love homeschooling. As flawed as our public education system is, it is leaps and bounds ahead of me. I'm organized in everything but time. A schedule is something I have never mastered so keeping a homeschooling schedule is ridiculous. I bought a 'self-taught' curriculum with the idea my children would want to do math, write papers and read the encyclopedia. What I fool I am.
The sun is supposed to come out on Sunday and Rich is looking for a mini-trip for us to take. Time to see some of this country we came half way around the world for.
Cheer up Charlie...that's what you need to watch...find the clip on youtube of Charlie's mother doing the washing with the big tub and paddle...singing her sad song about cheering up...that should do the trick!! (and find a paddle - for laundry :)
Chin up, Stacie (easy for me to say)! This too will pass. You are a brave, strong and beautiful woman & mother. I can't imagine dealing with the laundry situation and homeschooling, but you are providing your children with an opportunity and learning experience of a lifetime. It will pay off for all of you! Meanwhile, it is SO fun reading about your experiences there. We miss you guys.
ugh, i can't imagine trying to make it all work. but you are a ROCK STAR and make it look easy, i am sure.
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