• I love running here. It is very different and sometimes challenging with all of the people but it is the only time I am alone (that is minus children and husband). It is also how I have figured out the neighborhood and beyond. My runs typically end up longer than intended because I get lost. Which is great, I was averaging five miles at Mandy's, now I'm between eight and ten. Not bad.
• I love these buns they make at our market. They have an unbelievable flaky crust and then are filled with either sugar or salt and green onions. They are truly divine and cheap; seven for less than a dollar.
• I love the market. It is as Chinese as you can get. I love all the people and the crazy food (most of which I consider inedible), the livestock, all of it.
• I also love noodle shops.
• Lastly, I love the unity of our branch even though we are very spread out and I haven't really connected with anyone, it will come.
• Oh, I almost forgot, relatives.
We also had a great weekend. Rich has a childhood friend that has been a huge blessing. He has done so much to help us get settled. He has a car and driver that he has 'lent' us a few times. It is a huge adjustment not having a car. Buying toilet paper, milk, rice, anything heavy or bulky is a one item shopping trip if you don't have a car. So we took advantage and loaded up.
I have discovered the 'Chinese Rich' is far more talkative than the 'American Rich'. I don't know if it is because it takes so much longer to say things in Chinese or if he is more comfortable speaking it. Either way, he is everyone's friend. He was sitting up in the front seat chatting away with Xiao Sun, the driver, and discovered that he used to be an acrobat in the circus. Better yet, he wants to take us there now and use his 'influence' to get us in. Great, so off we go to see lions and tigers and bears (oh my).
Animal activist cannot approve of the circus. The bears were cute and the clowns seemed to love them but the lions and tigers were angry. I think the trainers were relived when the cats were back in their cages and the raw meat buckets they had strapped to their backs were removed. Coincidentally, there was a tiger trainer killed at the Shanghai Zoo the same day. Glad we picked the circus.
These pictures do a lousy job showing you just how amazing these clowns were. They could jump and flip and juggle all while standing on the back of a horse. Not a slow horse either. They were quite impressive and it was very upsetting when I am clapping and yelling my praises and everyone else just sits there. I asked Rich why Chinese don't applaud; he didn't know. It was such a shame when the guys did these incredible tricks and everyone just sat there. I guess if that is what you're used to, you feel appreciated anyway. Not me, I want a standing ovation for jumping jacks.
After the circus we did our shopping at a grocery store that I consider pretty safe. However, they had something there I had not yet seen. It is called a 'Happy Smiling Pig Face'. I don't know what is more disturbing, the fact that people eat it or that they make it grin at you.
How would you like to open you cupboard and see that ugly mug staring back at you? And then, be like, 'You know what sounds good? Some pig face. Yup, that'd hit the spot.'

Look how happy I am holding that swine. I could kiss it!
Then it was off to dinner with the benevolent friend and his family. They were nice enough to insist on an American restaurant, yeah for Tony Roma's.
Lily is great. Regardless of language barrier or five year age difference, she is going to be your friend. Lucy is Zhang Hao's daughter and knows a little English and Lily is picking up Chinese faster than anyone so they shared french fries and are now good buddies.
That sums up the last few days. Love you all!
much better...I meant to add that you can't find "cheer up charlie" in the weird loverboy Johnnie Depp version :)
Awesome...I am so glad that I saw your blog on Facebook. It is like I can live vicariously through you since you are the world traveler. Nice pics of you and the family. Ben wanted me to have you tell Rich "HI" and that he misses playing soccer with him. Keep up the good work!!
LOVE the blog Stacie!!! Thanks for sharing with us!
Blog is great! I love reading it. The Happy Pig face thing is so scary. Is it something to eat? Great that the kids are learning Chinese. You too? How? Maybe they have home school Chinese lessons for adults?
I hope you don't mind if I start stocking your blog. I love looking at the pictures and getting just a little taste of what it is like living in China. You have the most beautiful family!
Oh I love you Stacie and miss you and the kids sooo much.... I know living at my house was not the lap of luxury but I would love you guys back! It sounds like everything had improved much and you are having fun. Good luck with the home schooling, love ya!
crazy awesome! i would have LOVED to see those bears! and eat at chinese tony romas. i think i'd like the noodle shops, too, i do love some noodles. miss miss miss you!!! i have no intention of decorating my house until you come back.
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